Ezúton szeretnék köszönetet mondani orvosomnak Dr.Berkes Zsuzsanna valamint az Űllői Út-i RADITEC valamennyi dolgozójának a lelkiismeretes munkájáért. KÖSZÖNÖM!
Az élet rövid, ezért nincs sok időnk megörvendeztetni azok szívét, akik velünk együtt utaznak ezen a ködös úton. Siessünk hát szeretni! Siessünk kedvesek lenni. (Henri-Frédéric Amiel)

My Profile


I want to state in advance, this blog was not created to "feel sorry for me" just to share my experience. About how it affects everyday life, this incurable disease Sclerozis multiplex (SM). I hope that maybe I can help others to understand and accept this disease.I have been fought alredy the cancer once in 2000. I had been diagnosed with malign melanoma. After surgery I recovered quickly and now I'm asymptomatic years. So slowly I'm an experienced survival. :) I am a Single Mother. I live with my lovely and intelligent daughter. Unfortunately, we early lost her father, in road accidents. I am trying to be good mother and educate a healthy spirit for my child. I got good and bad in life time as well. I tried always to understand the conclusions from bad times and learn from previous mistakes. Until this day I am grateful for everything and everyone who is part of my life. My dear family, and my close supporting friends. I love to laugh and make others laugh. The best medicine to cheer , love and conscientious physicians !

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